Eid Gifts Distribution For Senior Citizens At Darul Sukun

Eid Gifts Distribution For Senior Citizens At Darul Sukun September 27, 2014

The Social Bond team visited Senior Citizens Darul Sukun on 27th September 2014 in the afternoon for Eid gifts distribution. Cakes, bangles, fruits, juices, perfumes, handkerchiefs, magazines and indoor games were distributed among residents of the Old Age Home, Activities such as singing, jokes, poetry, dancing, mehndi were carried out at the location. Special thanks to the management of Senior Citizens Darul Sukun for their cooperation and support to conduct the activity. A very special thanks to Dr. Intikhab Ulfat, Dept. of Physics, Karachi University and his family for their generous contribution towards carrying out this activity.

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About Author: admin

Social Welfare Organization
