Monthly Support Program, 19th Feb 2023


Monthly Support Program, Feb 19, 2023

Under its Monthly Support program, Team TSB provides monthly support to:

– Aged security guard residing in Liaquatabad, with no other support for his wife and daughter.
– Family residing in Malir, composed of husband, wife and 2 young school going boys. The husband lost job a few months back and now works a caretaker of a local school.
– Female who works as a maid and resides in Dalmia. She has 4 kids and husband works part-time in a local graveyard.
– Family of 4, residing in Korangi, where father’s leg has been amputated due to diabetes and he was the sole bread earner. He has 2 school going kids and a wife to support.

We are thankful to our donor who provided the support for the cases.