Dar ul Sukun Eid Gifts Distribution 20150713


Darul Sukun, Old Age House, Eid Gifts Distribution July 13, 2015

TSB team visited Senior Citizens Dar ul Sukun on 13th July 2015 to distribute eid gifts and spend time with the residents. Residents of the Old Age Home had a great time with the TSB team. Women were applied mehndi, nail polish and gifted bangles. Other gifts such as tea mugs, handkerchiefs, perfumes and creams were gifted to the residents. Eatables such as biscuits, milk, energy drinks, fruits were also provided to all the residents. A professional magician performed magic tricks for the residents which they also enjoyed a lot. TSB students performed on songs to provide entertainment too. We are once again very thankful to Ms. Anna Daniel and her team for providing us with this opportunity to spend quality time with the residents at Senior Citizens Dar ul Sukun.

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